About the Patient Participation Group




From April 2016, it has been a contractual requirement for all English
medical practices to form a patient participation group (PPG) and to make
reasonable efforts for this to be representative of the practice population.

Establishing such a group helps:

  • To develop a partnership with patients.
  • To discover what a range of patients think about services and to establish their priorities.
  • To provide a platform to test and modify ideas and plans.
  • To assist in promoting NHS initiatives such as cervical screening and prostate cancer screening.

PPG Image

East Cowes Health Centre has an active Patient Participation Group working collaboratively with the Health Centre staff. We are acutely aware that patients are finding it difficult to make appointments and get frustrated when practitioners are running late. We are actively working with the practice to address these issues.

We are seeking additional, younger members to join us. If you are interested in joining our PPG, please contact us through this website. You must be a registered patient of the East Cowes Health Centre.


East Cowes PPG Constitution

(Revised November 2018)

The Group shall be known as East Cowes Patient Participation Group.



The Group will investigate affiliation to the National Association for Patient Participation [N.A.P.P.] which is a registered Charity. If affiliated, the Group will be bound by N.A.P.P.’s rules.



  1. The Group will provide a communication channel between the patients and the practice.
  2. With the help and assistance of the practice, the Group will seek suggestions from patients for improvement to the services offered and highlight any areas that need attention.
  3. The Group will assist the practice in monitoring quality through patient participation.


  • Be a patient voice
  1. Provide a choice of medium for patients to give feedback and comments about the practice.
  2. Use information gathered from patients to discuss problems and potential improvements with the practice.
  3. Support the Care Quality Commission inspection process.
  4. Contribute to the practice newsletter.
  • Develop PPG influence through good practice
  1. Affiliation to appropriate organisations to keep up-to-date of local and national initiatives.
  2. Actively participate in the Island-wide PPG once established.
  3. Influence the development of policies in the practice by representing patients’ views to ensure patients make best use of the facilities available.
  • Support the practice to improve service delivery
  1. Contribute towards the annual patient survey to inform practice developments.
  2. Identify opportunities to improve the patient experience.
  3. Work with the practice to help address the challenge of change.
  4. Work with the practice to ensure any changes to local health needs are identified and acted upon.
  5. Engage in consultation with the Practice, when required, regarding the commissioning plans and policies of the Isle of Wight CCG.


  • Membership will be voluntary and open to any patient registered with the practice.
  • The Group will elect a Chair to serve for a period of 12 months.
  • The Group may elect A Deputy Chair for a period of 12 months.
  • The duties of The Chair and Deputy Chair will be agreed and reviewed from time to time by The Membership and recorded in Meeting Notes.
  • Members must let the Chair know if they no longer wish to participate in the PPG.


The meeting room will be supplied by the practice.
Meeting times will be alternated to accommodate members who have other commitments.
Notes will be taken at each meeting with copies distributed to all Members after each meeting. Notes will subsequently be displayed on The Practice website.